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Beatrice Onions Actress Writer Director NYC
Beatrice Onions Actress Headshot New York City NYU
Beatrice Onions Actress New York City Playwright New Zealand New York University Tisch School of The Arts Atlantic Acting School
Beatrice Onions Actress New York City Playwright New Zealand New York University Tisch School of The Arts Atlantic Acting School
Beatrice Onions Actress New York City Playwright New Zealand New York University Tisch School of The Arts Atlantic Acting School
Beatrice Onions Actress New York City Playwright New Zealand New York University Tisch School of The Arts Atlantic Acting School


Beatrice Onions is an Actor / Playwright born in Wales, raised in New Zealand and based in New York. She has received rigorous training from around the world, including 

 Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA),  

Tisch School of the Arts, and  Atlantic Theater Company.  

Beatrice relishes in performing emotionally demanding roles and the contemporary epics of Clare Barron and Neil LaBute.

She is the co-founder of New Zealand’s only Youth Philanthropy Non-Profit and has her sights set on cultivating punchy theater that centers teenage doom, one-traffic-light towns, and female friendship.  She thrives in New York as an avid bibliophile, yogi, and

designated proofreader for her friends’ essays and break-up texts (rates upon request).


RADA - Winter's Tale 23/24

A book blog with a foodie twist

Beatrice Onions _paperback_pantry_edited
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In my free time I keep a creative record of the books I am reading, as well as recipes and poetry under the alias @paperback_pantry!

Here, I also generate creative content for literary publishing companies and food brands.

Beatrice Onions Actress New York City Playwright New Zealand New York University Tisch School of The Arts Atlantic Acting School

Contact Me

I can't wait to connect!

Beatrice Onions Actress New York City Playwright New Zealand New York University Tisch School of The Arts Atlantic Acting School
Beatrice Onions Actress New York City Playwright New Zealand New York University Tisch School of The Arts Atlantic Acting School
Beatrice Onions Actress New York City Playwright New Zealand New York University Tisch School of The Arts Atlantic Acting School
Beatrice Onions Actress New York City Playwright New Zealand New York University Tisch School of The Arts Atlantic Acting School
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